Check out my episode on the Woman Get In podcast!
WGI friends, this is a first! We have a return guest on the show this week. Please welcome back Jessica Greenberg as she talks all things motherhood. If you're a mom now, or know you'll be starting a family in the future, this episode has so many gems. Jessica tells us about how she and her husband have split duties while she works during the day and he stays home with their oldest. She tells us about the unique perk her job offers to new moms, and about her tough post-delivery story. Jessica works in the addiction recovery field, so you'll hear a bit about what she does when she's not playing mom to her kiddos. We also rant a bit about the messiness of politics and reproductive rights in this country. Thanks for listening!
Find it here: Episode 71 Modern Day Motherhood or wherever you get your podcasts!
The fashion industry isn't exactly all rainbows and sunshine. Jessica of the Sustainable Rainbow blog is here to tell us how the small choices we make can curb the impact that the fashion industry has on our planet and our wallets. How you think about fashion, where you buy clothes and knowing the conditions in which your clothes are made are all great places to start!
Find it here: Episode 28 or wherever you listen to podcasts!
I wrote an article all about the importance of an sustainable and ethical wardrobe on Carrie Colbert’s fabulous, colorful blog! Check it out here.
I wrote an article for Joovy Magazine filled with tips on how to throw a sustainable outdoor summer bash, check it out here!
I wrote an article for EcoSleep by Brooklyn Bedding on what to look for in a non-toxic mattress, especially when transitioning your little one from crib to toddler bed. Check it out here!